STEDEC Technology Commercialization Corporation of Pakistan (Private) Limited was established in 1987 under the Companies Ordinance 1984. It is governed through various policies that establish the direction of the organization and sets out the Company’s position on various matters. These policies are prepared by management of the Company, approved by STEDEC Board of Directors.
Employees Code of Conduct Policy
1- Objective
The objective of this policy is to establish a standard of conduct that is acceptable to the company, its vendors, customers and associates.
2- Scope
The Code of Conduct Policy is applicable to all employees of STEDEC.
3- Responsibility And Accountability
- Board of Directors will approve/amend this policy. The maintenance, revision and distribution of this policy is the responsibility of the Managing Director/Company Secretary of STEDEC.
- It is the esponsibility of STEDEC senior management to ensure that the policy is effectively implemented throughout their respective areas.
- The management is also responsible to ensure that suppliers, customers, service providers, business partners and other stakeholders are made aware of this policy.
4- Policy
- Fitness for Duty: Employees are expected to be mentally and physically fit for work. While on duty, employees should not be under the influence of any drug that impair your ability to perform your work safely and efficiently.
- Attendance Reporting: If an employee is unable to report to work for any reason, he must contact GM (F&A)/HR (for Head Office Employees) and DGM C&P South (for Regional Office Employees) before the start of your work period for permission.
- Harassment and Discrimination: STEDEC intends to maintain a work environment that respects individual differences. Employees are expected to conduct in a professional manner and treat others with respect, fairness, and dignity. STEDEC does not tolerate harassment or discrimination, including behavior, comments, jokes, slurs, email messages, pictures, photographs, or other conduct that contributes to an intimidating or offensive environment.
- Workplace Violence: Employees are expected to maintain a safe and secure workplace and working environment. Acts or threats of physical violence, intimidation, harassment or coercion, stalking, sabotage, and similar activities are not tolerated.
- Weapons in the Workplace: Employees are not allowed to bring, carry, store, or use any type of weapon on STEDEC owned, leased, or rented property; in a STEDEC owned, leased, or rented vehicle; in a personal vehicle while on STEDEC business; or at a job site, whether on or off duty, unless explicitly authorized and have a legitimate business reason to do so.<
- Gambling in the Workplace: Gambling while at work and using company assets for gambling are prohibited, including during breaks.
- Company Records: Employees must manage STEDEC information/record carefully, responsibly and retain the records consistently for the appropriate period of time. Hard-copy of emails must also be retained. It is strictly prohibited to misstate facts, omit material information, hide, alter, falsify or disguise the true nature of a business transaction, forge endorsements, approvals or authorizing signatures, process, enter into a system or approve a record or disclosure that you know is false or misleading and report any violation in your knowledge to the competent authority immediately.
- Confidential and Customer-Specific Information: Employees may have access to confidential information related to them about STEDEC, employees, customers, or related parties, which should be kept confidential, not to be used for personal gain or advantage and never to be shared except when disclosure is properly authorized or legally mandated. This obligation continues even after the employee is no longer employed by STEDEC.
- Act(s) violating and/or constituting a violation of the policy will be considered as violation and liable to disciplinary action.
- Ignorance of the policies as well as notices or memoranda that may be issued from time to time shall not justify an employee from non-observance nor from the disciplinary action to be imposed thereon.
5- Minor Forms Of Misconduct
An employee, who is guilty of one or more of the following, or similar forms of misconduct, may be given a verbal warning at the first occurrence thereof. The issuing of a severe or written warning may be alternative form of disciplinary action for misconducts depending on the evidence, circumstances and seriousness of each situation. An employee may even be dismissed for repeated minor forms of misconduct. Each transgression will be dealt with on own merit in all instances. The following are examples of such misconduct:
- from the workstation without permission
- Late coming or overstaying without permission/proper justification wearing prescribed clothing/uniform Smoking at prohibited areas.
- Wasting time or loitering in the company premises during working hours Disruptive behavior.
6- Misconduct of a More Serious Nature
At the occurrence of any of the following forms of misconduct, or others of a similar nature, an employee may receive a warning (written or severe), or face dismissal at the option of Management, depending on the evidence, circumstances and seriousness of each situation.
- Addressing abusive and/or obscene language at a fellow employee or Management representative, or a client.
- Unnecessary shouting, catcalls or demonstrations of any nature Sleeping on the job.
- Negligence or gross negligence in the performance of duties or functions.
- Failure to report an accident or damage to machinery, vehicles or other property belonging to STEDEC.
- Possession of drugs on the Employer’s premises.
- Intimidation, Assault, Threatening behavior.
- Fraud, Bribery, Dishonesty Theft of company property.
- Unauthorized possession of company property.
- Misappropriation of company property.
- Falsification of the Employer’s records.
- Willful damage to property in the STEDEC’s charge.
- Gross insubordination or blatant disrespect to management or clients.
- Negligent or reckless driving of vehicles in the STEDEC’s charge Intentional interfering with or obstructing other employees in the performance of their duties.
- Refusal or failure to obey a lawful instruction loss or destruction of the Employer’s property through malice, carelessness or negligence any other misconduct constituting breach of contract under the common law or any other legal provisions.
- Making or publishing of false, vicious or malicious statements concerning any employee, the Company or its products.
7- Reporting
STEDEC does not tolerate any form of retaliation, harassment or intimidation of a Relevant Person by others as a result of raising concerns in good faith. All concerns will be investigated and appropriate actiontaken. MD/GM(F&A)/HR to be reported confidentially for Relevant Persons conduct that may be contrary to STEDEC’s Values and Principles, including conduct that may breach this policy.
8- Breaches of This Policy
It is the responsibility of all Relevant Persons to report any breaches, or potential breaches, of this policy to their manager or other person to whom they report. Violations of this policy and failure to report actual or potential breaches of this policy, will lead to disciplinary action in accordance with applicable disciplinary procedures. In some circumstances, failure to report actual or suspected violations of this policy may itself constitute a legal offence.
9- Monitoring and Review
STEDEC internal control systems will be subject to regular internal audit to provide assurance of compliance. STEDEC management will report annually on compliance with this policy to the Board of Directors, which will make an assessment of the adequacy of the policy and preventive measures to be taken.